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The A-door-able Doors of Greece

As I stroll through the charming streets of Greece, I am captivated by the enchanting allure of its doors. Each one, whether new or old, tells a story, bearing the marks of time and history etched upon its weathered surface. Some are weathered and worn, bearing the scars of time like badges of honor, while others gleam with fresh coats of paint, their colors dancing in the sunlight like jewels adorning a crown. In the soft glow of the Mediterranean sun, these doors stand as silent sentinels, guarding the secrets of the past and beckoning visitors to step into the unknown.

"In life, all doors open to those who dare to knock." - Unknown

As I linger in their presence, I can't help but think of all those who have entered these same doors before me. I think of all those who have opened their doors, and their hearts, to me and welcomed me into their homes, whether to share in the delight of a meal or to partake in conversation together. I recall, with a smile on my face, the Yiayia in Xios who offered me a seat in her living room and offered to make me a coffee...I think fondly of my colleagues in Cyprus who opened their doors to me and welcomed me into their homes as if I were family... I am reminded that life is a journey filled with endless possibilities, and every door holds the promise of new beginnings.

"Knock on the doors of opportunity, for they will surely open to those who are bold enough to seek them." - Unknown

And so, as I pass through these beautiful doors, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and wonder, humbled by the generosity of those who have welcomed me into their homes and their hearts. For in a foreign land, the beauty of doors lies not only in their physical form but in the warmth and hospitality they represent, offering solace and companionship to all who dare to knock. With a heart full of wonder and gratitude, I bid farewell to these magnificent doors, knowing that their beauty will continue to inspire and uplift all who pause to admire their timeless elegance.

"In life, all roads lead to doors, and we must have the courage to open them." - Unknown

Like portals to another realm, these doors invite us to embrace the unknown, to wander down winding alleyways in search of hidden treasures and undiscovered truths. So let us heed the call of these beautiful doors, for they hold the promise of adventure, the warmth of hospitality, and the timeless beauty of Greece's storied past.


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